winter homemaking tips ideas and simple living tips winter kitchen journal

Winter Homemaking: Seasonal Ideas Using a Winter Kitchen Journal

Cold and biting days are full of frosty mornings where you don’t want to get out of bed. They are either full of the blast or gently blowing cold winds. Winter homemaking is not always the most motivating or exciting task in January, February, and March, but it is the most creative time of year.

journal inspiration and winter homemaking tips

The beauty of winter can stir some of the most innovative thoughts for the homemaker. 

The first snowfall, the warm fireplace, and having that third cup of chai tea all can relax your mind and send you pondering deeply on the most important matters of life. You can make the most of those thoughts and infuse winter seasonal ideas to create quite a lovely time at home for you and your family. 

I like to capture these thoughts and ideas in my winter kitchen journal. Let’s look at some wintry homemaking ideas from my kitchen journal for inspiration for your own home.

Warm and Cozy Environment

Creating warmth in your home as a homemaker in the winter isn’t just fluffy blankets and warm throws (although you can certainly add them). You can create a cozy environment from so many things but here are a few to get you started.

my autumn kitchen journal, the cover has beautiful art of a pumpkin pin, bowl of nutmeg shells, cinnamon sticks and 2 large pumpkins

Learn How to Create Your Own Kitchen Journal for Winter

Winter Lights

Ok, ok I don’t actually talk about lights in my journal, however, this is something I prioritize every winter. It’s dark outside a lot, it’s also not sunny. 

I take advantage of those Christmas lights and leave up the white ones all through the cold January and February until I’m swept away by Valentine’s decor. However, adding some pink lights would be fun too. If you don’t like those lights, you can try fairy lights, lamps and candles.

I do enjoy lighting candles some evenings as well. The glow is warming and cozy.

Winter Potpourri

recipes for homemade potpourri

Delight your sense of smell by adding in potpourri. Winter can be dry and bland, but using any potpourri just adds something special to a day or evening at home.

Comfortable and inviting spaces 

winter homemaking by preparing the kitchen for winter

Maybe you should’ve prepped the kitchen in the fall for winter, or at Christmastime, but it’s not too late. You can still give your kitchen a winter decor and cleaning overhaul. Create a special spot for a winter treat, like a hot cocoa bar or winter tea cupboard. 

You can do other spaces in your home too. In our old home, I transformed my daughter’s closet into a cute reading nook. You could do the same in the corner of your office or living room. Creating cozy spots is part of the fun of winter.

Slow Living

The cold months are also a great time to simplify your home and focus on things that get overlooked during warmer months when you are more active and there are more outdoor tasks. It’s really hard to slow down in this modern world where we are all connected and there are no breaks or rest periods. 

Here in the U.S., we don’t even have much of a difference in foods available in the markets. I literally just saw fresh pineapple, along with the seasonal squash. 

I also find my activities and duties not too different during this time, so I have to be intentional if I want to create a seasonal difference for me or my kids.

Preparing Baked Goods (pies, breads, etc.)

winter homemaking with baking bread recipe

Not everyone likes baking. There are aspects about it that are very comforting and natural to me. For others, baking and winter cannot be separated. 

If you are not sure what boat you fall into, try creating homemade muffins or quick breads. It doesn’t have to be intense like making a loaf of bread from scratch, however, if you are interested you can build up to that.

Go Outside (in the cold!)

Yep, spending time outside, especially in the winter, can lend to slow living and a more simple life. Things seem to go slower when you are cold, but being outdoors isn’t just to fit some aesthetic. 

Winter sunlight (even with clouds covering the sun) gives you precious vitamin D which we lack in the winterscape regions of the world. Also, it allows you to enjoy fresh air needed for our brains, being indoors so much. Lastly, going outside will get you that bit of a change of pace.

Come in to Hot Cocoa

I do find that winter is a great time for treats and sweets. Even after Christmas, hot cocoa is not a bad idea! Other treats like homemade cookies and candies give you a reason to spend time teaching your kids some kitchen skills or just time with them doing something different. 

Every 10-year-old should know how to make hot cocoa or hot chocolate from scratch. It’s super simple and better for them.

Keep Active

Yes, we want to slow down, but we also want to keep our minds sharp and occupied. Depending on how deep the snow gets around your parts, you will be thankful to stave off cabin fever with these winter homemaking ideas.

homemaking goals for winter and all year long

DOWNLOAD Your Own Home Goals Checklist For Free in the Treasure Box

Try a New Hobby

A part of homemaking is being creative in your hobbies to benefit the home in some way. There are, of course, sewing, knitting, baking and decorating. Those are easy winners. 

You can also discover things like painting, journaling, woodworking and crafting. In reality, any hobby that benefits the homemaker will benefit your family.

Plan Your Garden

The perfect thing to cure the winter blues. Thinking about the wonderful outdoors, preparing for your family, and even doing some seed-starting. Having some little sprouting plants in my window during the dark days of snow is such a delight.

display of the printable garden planner pages

Get this easy-to-use, printable Garden Planner and Journal to get started! 


Every year for almost a decade I would have seasonal depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder, during the winter. 

I found out in recent years that there were some definite reasons for that and it wasn’t (directly) because of the shorter days or the overcast skies. I made a list within my fall and winter journal of things to alleviate and prevent this from happening. 

seasonal affective disorder ideas winter homemaking

These are all reasonable self-care techniques, however, I’m not a medical professional, I’m just me, a mom who wants to share some ideas with you. If you are having a bout of depression or ongoing sadness, in any season of the year, you should talk to your doctor.

Don’t Hibernate, Do Hospitality

A homemaker and a mom are both always thinking of ways to make their nest a welcoming and inviting place. However, I find that if I’m busy preparing for company, I’m automatically going to have a cleaner, more comfortable home. People motivate us, even during those shorter days.

Inviting in

It’s so tempting to hibernate with a batch of brownies by your side, but I feel winter is the perfect time for hospitality. It’s much easier when you already spent time in the Fall stocking your pantry, however, you don’t need a gourmet dinner in order to have people over. Invite people for tea, to play board games, or even watch a movie with an order of pizza. 

You can make the time more memorable by having a guest book on hand. They aren’t just for weddings and funerals. If you are interested in more cute notebook ideas, I’ve got you covered.

Winter Tea Cabinet

cozy medicinal tea time for winter homemaking tips from my kitchen journal

If you are going to invite people over for tea, it’s good to have a nice supply ready to go. You can have some fun tea options like Wintermint, Christmas in Paris, or Trader Joe’s Candy Cane tea which my kids love all season long. Note: TJ’s tea is seasonal, only in late fall, early winter so when you see it stock up!

However, you can also use teas to boost your immune system. You can keep recipes in a kitchen journal like I do or you can just buy some quality teas. I like the Bulk Herb Store for both comforting but immune-boosting teas, like their GingerSnap tea.

Love this idea? Visit my other post on how to create and organize your own winter tea cabinet. This is just one of a million ways to create a fun, cozy space in your home during this time of year.

my autumn kitchen journal, the cover has beautiful art of a pumpkin pin, bowl of nutmeg shells, cinnamon sticks and 2 large pumpkins

Learn How to Create Your Own Kitchen Journal for Winter

Cozy Winter Homemaking

When I think of cozy winter homemaking, I see that it is not this neutral and serene place that the curated Instagram reels lead you to believe. Winter homemaking is slow but active, warming, wintry, and welcoming others in.

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