how to enjoy summer the image shows a tray with brightly colored tea and cookies and a pink flower

Enjoying Summer as Mom

Here we are guys, finally summer. Late nights, warm breezes, freshly cut grass. It’s the best time to get out of the house! But we shouldn’t use all of our time going here and there just because the weather is nice. It’s taken some time but over the years I’ve learned how to enjoy summer as a mom.

How to Enjoy Summer

When my kids were very little we didn’t have a lot of money. One way I decided to save money as a stay at home mom was to hang our clothes out to dry in the backyard. The kids would play or attempt to help me pin the clothes to the clothesline, then we’d go for a long walk to the park and play.

When we returned it was time to switch out the clothes.

Remembering how those clothes smell fresh with the day’s sunshine, and the sight of the towels blowing in the breezing is something I won’t forget. More than a decade later, I’m glad to know that my oldest still remembers those days.

I know not everyone can hang clothes or would even want to, but the idea just sends slow, simple summer vibes. And that’s what I want to impress upon you, as a mom: not to fill every second with summer plans, but to also know how to enjoy summer in a slow and deliberate way.

an ice cream sundae made at home with cherries and coffee almonds

15 Ways to Enjoy Summer at Home

I can talk all day about summers gone by, but to really start to apply how to enjoy summer, you’ll need some specific examples of ways you can enjoy summer as a mom.

Here is a short list for inspiration.

  1. Backyard Campout
  2. Family BBQ
  3. Watching the Fireworks
  4. Brighten your wardrobe, incorporate more dresses, sandals, and shorts
  5. Go to the Beach
  6. Watching the Sunset
  7. Fly a Kite
  8. Go fruit picking (Pick-ur-own)
  9. Plant a Garden
  10. Make Homemade Lemonade
  11. Plan an Ice Cream Social
  12. Plan breakfast, lunch, or dinner outside
  13. Switch out winter/spring decor for summer (lighter bedding and sheer curtains)
  14. Have a Nature Walk
  15. Make a Fairy Garden
fairy garden made at home with my daughter
a fairy garden I made with my daughter this summer

How to Make the Most Out of Summer

Although I don’t recommend you schedule out every second of the summer season, I would also caution against not having any plans at all. The most important part of summer happens (or should happen) before summer even begins.

You can start with a summer mood board, or journaling about summer (you can use these summer prompts) to brainstorm ideas of what you’d like your days to look like.

From there you can write a Bucket List like this one

Click to Get the entire beach-themed Summer Prep Kit printables in my shop!

Don’t forget to add relaxing things, like laying by the pool or picking wildflowers. It doesn’t have to be as go-go as our list, this is because my boys are teens (well a tween and a teen), and after years of relaxed summers, I was hoping to give them some active experiences this year.

If you don’t want to create a summer bucket list, you can easily use my free printable summer to-do lists for certain.

I will say that my most enjoyable summers as a mom have been with a balance of spontaneity and planning.

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